The inaugural Young Treasurers Evening took place on 31st March in the trendy Blue Room at the Dean. It was the first in-person event without restrictions since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic. The evening provided young treasury professionals (0-5 years’ experience) with a unique opportunity to engage with and learn from industry peers on a similar career path. Non-members were welcomed to join and experience the benefits of joining the Association.
Meindert de Vreeze, IACT President, opened the event with an introduction to the IACT and the benefits of membership including details of the successful mentoring programme. Nicolas Christiaen, CEO and Co-Founder of Cashforce, took centre stage to tell his story about how he setup a state-of-the-art cash forecasting & working capital platform to spread his unique vision towards the “CFO of the future”! Nicolas touched on the innovative company culture and what it takes to run a FinTech company with a global presence. His story captured the attention of many attendee’s and prompted an intriguing Q&A session.
John James Dunne, Committee member focusing on Young Treasurer activities, reiterated several benefits of IACT membership from his own experience. He closed the event with a speed networking exercise to accelerate the professional network of the Young Treasurers. The exercise was a fantastic ice breaker as the informal networking continued for several hours over some drinks and nibbles.
The event received fantastic feedback from the Young Treasurer attendee’s and we hope to see them at IACT events in the near future.