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President's Address

I am honoured to assume the role of President of the Irish Association of Corporate Treasurers for 2024. The IACT has been instrumental in my career progression and I'm delighted to have the opportunity to give something back to the Corporate Treasury community. It's a pleasure leading this enthusiastic and energetic Committee, as we deliver a wide range of content and an exciting series of events for our diverse membership to enjoy this year.

The IACT encourages and promotes the study and practice of Treasury Management through technical support, education, representation and professional networking opportunities. The peer-to-peer networking, sharing of best practices and diversity of thought across all aspects of Treasury are key attractions of the Association. Our progressive outreach is evident as we expand our membership base and welcome new companies who choose Ireland as destination of choice for their Treasury Centres.

Our 2024 objective is to deliver a pioneering direct route into Corporate Treasury, which will ease the talent shortage, as most Treasurers currently 'fall into Treasury'. We have established a strategic partnership with Trinity College Dublin and we designed a rotational 18-month Graduate Programme to provide a rich diversity of practical experience in the coveted profession of Corporate Treasury.

With interest rates higher for longer, Boards will continue to probe deeper into the once benign interest income/expense. They turn to the Treasurer for leadership in working capital management and across interest rate, FX and commodity risk. The role of the Treasurer is progressively becoming more broad, more strategic and more forward looking. Agility is required to support the business as it evolves in the backdrop of continued geo-political conflict and the potential for a financial markets surprise at any point.

Professional quality content and events offered by the IACT will support members as they navigate through the year. Our focus on education is evident through the recently established IACT Training Academy and our longstanding flagship 2-day Annual Conference in the Convention Centre Dublin. The Conference continues to attract a growing list of delegates, both from Ireland and from further afield. The Young Treasurer events welcome those starting their Treasury careers and encourage earlier engagement with the Association. The Women in Treasury pillar has rebranded to Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) and I look forward to progressing our EDI pledge.

Lastly, I would like to thank Aimee for her leadership in 2023 and the Committee for volunteering their time throughout the year. Thanks to Patrick, Robert, Keith and Meindert for their significant contributions as they step down from the Committee. We welcome Aga, Catherine, Colm and Cian to the Committee. I look forward to working with each of you. Thank you to our valued members, patrons and sponsors for their continued support and participation.

I look forward to seeing you at our exciting events during the year!

John James Dunne

IACT President, 2024


European Association of Corporate Treasurers (EACT)

International Group of Treasury Associations (IGTA)

+353 1 610 8574 
Address: PO Box 10104, Lucan, Co Dublin


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